Aldi - 12 Aug 2015



- Made to a traditional European recipe, these biscuits are a vital component of the famous Italian coffee flavoured trifle, Tiramisu

Frozen Tiramisu Cake Recipe

Frozen Tiramisu Cake Recipe
1L Monarc Indulge Coffee Mocha Ice Cream
250ml (1 cup) freshly brewed Expressi coffee, cooled
125ml (1/2 cup) Kahlua liqueur
370g Di Leo Lady Fingers
3/4 cup grated Choceur Dark Chocolate
500g Emporium Selection Mascarpone
2 tbsp. Merryfield Icing Sugar Mixture
1 tbsp. Kahlua liqueur
- Place half the ice cream into a bowl and use a spoon to slightly break it apart. Set aside for 15-20 minutes or until softened slightly.
- Meanwhile, line a 6cm-deep, 12.5 x 24.5cm (base measurement) loaf pan with plastic wrap. Combine fresh coffee and Kahlua in a bowl. Dip a third of the biscuits in the coffee mixture for 2 seconds each side. Place in the pan ensuring the base is evenly covered with biscuits.
- Spread the softened ice cream over the biscuits in the pan. Ensure a smooth, even layer. Dust with a third of the grated dark chocolate. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer for 2 hours or until firm.
- Place half the ice cream into a bowl and use a spoon to slightly break it apart. Set aside for 15-20 minutes or until softened slightly.
- Dip half of the remaining biscuits in the remaining coffee mixture, using the same process as before and arrange evenly in the pan. Spread remaining ice cream over the top. Sprinkle with half the remaining grated dark chocolate. Repeat with the last of the biscuits and coffee mixture. Cover and place in the freezer for 8 hours or overnight until firm.
- Place the mascarpone, icing sugar and extra Kahlua in a bowl. Stir until combined.
- Turn the pan out onto a chilled platter. Use a hot cloth to remove the pan if it is difficult. Remove the plastic wrap. Spread the mascarpone mixture all over the cake. Dust with the last of the grated chocolate.